Product Details

We have over 10 years of experience in designing and selling auto diagnostic tools.

6V 12V 24V Auto Battery Tester 3in1 Professional Digital Alternator Analyzer 100-2000 CCA Battery Load/Cranking/Charging System Test
$109.00 USD
BM520 Battery Tester designed for 6V 12V and 24V batteries with a capacity of 100 to 2000 CCA, such as regular flooded, AGM flat plate, AGM spiral, GEL and deep cycle batteries, 6V 12V & 24V starting and charging system. Test results based on CCA, IEC, EN, DIN, CA, BCI, MCA, SAE, GB, JIS standards.



Battery Tester BM520

Advanced Features:


Regardless of Polarity Technology

Both the red and the black cable come with pure copper clips, you can connect the red one to the positive or the negetive poles as you want and the black one to the other end. No need to worry about destroying the battery for incorrect connection of positive and negative poles. If the clip is not connected properly, it will prompt “clips error” on the display screen.

Battery Type Range


Unique Screenshot Function

Hold the up and down buttons together to screenshot any test result as you want.

The battery tester can store up to 10 screenshots

You can copy the pictures out when you connect the battery alternator tester to computers

Very convenient and practical design


Voltimeter Test Chart

The chart tells you how to judge the battery status with the test data.

The green zone means good/ok, yellow zone means general/weak, while the red zone means poor/bad.

The red,yellow and green areas on the left are battery voltage tests, battery charging system tests are on the right


Precise SOC and SOH Test Result Display

Press down buttons to switch SOH test display to SOC

The battery test result includes:

battery tester automotive

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